tbd @ [tbd]

Accepted Proposals:

Live Jazz

Live Jazz


DJ Set



Reverse Engineering Toolkit (RET)

Last year we organized a DEDBUG workshop, which is part of the toolkit, and taught participants how to develop the manual dexterity required to construct simple circuits using deadbug soldering. This year, we would like to expand the scope and duration of the workshop and make the entire RET available for participants.

We will cover these topics:

1: Where is it commonly possible to obtain electronic waste? How does one determine which devices are useful and which devices can easily be repaired? 2: Which of these common devices can be repurposed to function outside of their design requirements? How would one determine the utility of these devices? 3: What is the Reverse Engineering Toolkit? How can it be used to repurpose electronic waste?

The workshop will have a theoretical component and practical component, where participants will be asked to analyze a set of discarded devices using the RET.


tew dj set

Jah Code

Jah Code

Pinedub b2b Vega Selecta

Pinedub b2b Vega Selecta